Person 1: Joris (no last name preffered)
1. What do you think about
It is a busy point, lot of traveling people/ transfering people. It looks nice, nice people.
2. Do you find this area safe?
Yes, I do feel like this area is safe, safe then an area like Zuidplein
3. Have you ever seen something unordinary?
No, I have not.
4. Have you heard about drug dealing in this area?
Yes, because I buy there myself.
Person 2: Sjoerd (no last name prefereed)
1. What do you think about
It is okay, nothing special.
2. Do you find this area safe?
Yeah, I don't know why it should be unsafe.
3. Have you ever seen something unordinary?
Yes, criminal activity.
4. Have you heard about drug dealing in this area?
Yes, I buy drugs here.
5. Do you know a specific place? Can you point it out on the map?
Person 3: anonymous
1. What do you think about
I don't really like Oostplein. I just don’t feel the vibe there. It seems like a nice area, but the people there are a bit weird.
2. Do you find this area safe?
I mean, I never feel safe anywhere honestly as a girl.
3. Have you ever seen something unordinary?
Yes, weird people on alcohol or drugs or whatever, and just shady persons.
4. Have you heard about drug dealing in this area?
Yes, my dealer is situated somewhere near Oostplein.
5. Do you know a specific place? Can you point it out on the map?
Yes, I know where it is on the map.
6. Have you ever heard anyone talk about drug dealers at and around Oostplein?
Yes, trough friends.
7. Did you ever feel unsafe buying there?
Again, I never feel safe, but especially not when buying drugs, those guys are really creepy.
Person 4: anonymous
4. Have you ever heard anyone talk about drug dealers at and around Oostplein?
Yes, a lot of friends of mine go there to buy stuff.
6. Did you ever feel unsafe buying there?
No, not really, you never feel comfortable because it is an illegal exchange, but I never feel like I am in danger.
5. Do you know a specific place? can you point it out on the map?
Yes, I can point it out.
During our discussions about Rotterdam and its areas, we were interested in crime-centered areas. We came to a conclusion that Delfshaven, Rotterdam South, like Zuidplein are known to be dangerous areas to the public of Rotterdam.
We became heavily inspired by our field trip to the previously known Chinatown located in Rotterdam South, its history of colonised and gentrification. This sparked out want to focus on the unjustified reputation of South being known as a not such a safe area, usually associated with negative occurrences such as violence and drug dealing.
We chose to focus on Oostplein as one of the team members revealed that this central area (located near Blaak) was unexpectedly a hot spot for drug dealers. The rest of us who live and work in this area have never heard about this, as to us and a lot of general public, is a family and student, crime-free friendly area. This area intrigued us, and so we decided to research Oostplein, and find out for ourselves whether the rumours about drug dealing is true or not.
To research this area and this topic, we decided to use the methods of desk research - to see if it was a wide spread information to the general public - and try to find some contacts to interview, people who personally either know people who participate in the drug buying/selling, or seen people doing that.
Our plan was to make some interview questions, find and interview the people involved, and hopefully get locations from the drug buyers or dealers. We thought it was best to record this research in a zine, with the pictures of the locations and interviews.
During our research method, we realised it was much more difficult to collect information and interviews than we thought. we realised that a lot of people did not want to share this kind of information, as this was very much illegal. A lot of interviewers gave short answered or most did not answer at all.
We researched the general information about Oosteplein, where its located and crimes that occurred in this area. However we did not find a lot, and most articles were about areas next to Oostplein, but not exactly near it.
As well we found that people online, were recommending Oostplein as a safe area for students, coming to the conclusion that Oostplein on the front has a good reputation.
Originally, we wanted to create a zine with clear pictures showing the drug dealings, however we thought it was unethical to depict the stereotypical image of the drug dealers and buyers, so we decided to simply use the spaces that the drug dealings occurred at.
Due to time constraints, we changed our plan from a proper zine to a foldable one, as we did not have enough time to figure out the proper process of printing one and putting it together.
Fortunately this plan worked well for the final product as it allowed us to translate the facade or the "front" of Oostpleins reputation showing the reality of the family friendly and minimal crime area being not so "clean" from crime, and thus the play of words in the zine's name is "Clean Front".
We were surprised that the rumours were actually true, as some of us live or work at Oostplein. This allowed to to understand that stereotyping places, assigning areas the titles of "good" or "bad", "safe" or "not safe" usually does not signify the reality of the situation of those places.
Most of our research relied on the people involved, where the general public has an opinion of Oostplein being a "safe" area. Circling back to Rotterdam South, with this outcome we want to show that just because a certain area has a reputation assigned to it, highlighted as being unwanted, such full of illegal violence or drug dealing, does not mena it is true. In our final product we show that reverse logic such of Oostplein having that "good" reputation, but in reality being equally "unsafe" or "clean" of crime.
Xander - discussion, interviews
Liza - hotglue, zine
Den - drawing, zine